April 27, 2005

What, me blog?

Well, I decided to give this whole blogging thing a try. Even though I am a geek by nature, I haven’t gotten into the blogging revolution mainly because I never saw a good use for it other than posting random thoughts that no one else really wants to read.

After using Wordpress and contributing to Mobilitee here and there, I started looking for an easy way to create and manage my own blog. I wanted to publish some simple information so that our friends, family, and church can know what is going on in our life.

My main requirement was that it be simple to use, and require zero server setup and maintenance on my part. I also wanted it to be free, but still have enough customization possibilities so that I could exert my geekiness at least a bit. So I decided on Blogger. It seems to be as simple as they come, is free, and has some decent looking templates. So here we go, we’ll see how this works out!

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