July 15, 2005

I Hate Wallets

so when I stumbled upon The Jimi last week, how could I resist “The wallet for people who hate wallets?” I whipped out the plastic, clicked a few buttons online and a few days later, was the proud new owner of a clear Jimi and it’s accompanying lanyard (hey, I’m a sucker for accessories, what can I say).

When I opened the package, my first thought was “wow, this is a lot bigger than I thought it would be”, but when I compared it to my leather wallet (a small money clip-type wallet), it is actually smaller. For some reason, the Jimi just looks bigger. It is also thinner, which surprised me as well. The tradeoff is that when my other wallet is empty, it is thinner than the Jimi, but when I put the same items in it and the Jimi, my other wallet expands enough to be thicker than the Jimi. The Jimi is definitely front-pocketable, which is essential for me–I hate carrying a wallet in my back pocket.

Functionally, it seems quite good as well. It snaps closed, but can be easily opened with one hand by pressing a quick-release button. Once opened, I can fairly easily deploy my most-used credit card with my thumb on the same hand. My other hand is required to get cash or any of the other cards, but the same was true for my old wallet, so that’s not a big deal.

It also seems durable, but only time will tell. As for the lanyard, it is kind of big and bulky. The lanyard cord is round, not flat-woven, and quite long–too long for my taste. The rubber “stopper” on the end is also quite large due to the round cord, and it has 2 metal rings (one large, one small) at the end instead of one, which add to the length and bulk. It is not what I wanted at all, and in stark contrast to the sleek lines of the Jimi. Instead of attaching it to the Jimi, I have attached it to my mobile phone. So far, this is working out great, as it allows me to more quickly and easily snatch the phone out of my pocket when I get a call instead of fumbling for it and risking a nasty phone drop incident. I still don’t like the bulkiness of the lanyard, though, so I will probably try to find another one that is a bit more svelte.

I’d definitely recommend The Jimi if you’re looking for something a bit different.

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