January 19, 2007

How to make Twitterrific work

A couple days ago I discovered IconFactory’s lovely new Twitter app Twitterrific. I had been using the Twitter site, or the twu command at yubnub via Quicksilver, so I was pretty excited to try Twitterrific.

When I first launched it, it magically logged into Twitter and grabbed all my latest updates! Cool. I briefly wondered how it knew my login and password, but quickly came to the conclusion that it must rely on WebKit or Keychain, since I had been logged in to Twitter via Safari at some point during the day.

After that little mental detour, I quickly typed in a new tweet and hit return. The progress spinner did its thing for a second and then disappeared, along with my tweet in the text entry box. My computer science instincts kicked in and I waited for Twitterrific to check in with Twitter and refresh with my new tweet, which never happened. To make a long story short, I tried for about a day with the same results each time, having to resort to my previous methods for posting tweets.

Then, I noticed this little tidbit on the Twitterrific page:

Before installing Twitterrific, it’s best if you first log out of Twitter’s website - you can log back in after Twitterrific is up and running.

I quit Twitter and used uApp to delete it’s preferences and cache, Safaried to my Twitter account and logged out. Then, I launched Twitterrific again, and after a few seconds, it popped up a sheet allowing me to enter my Twitter login info. After entering the info and a few seconds of network activity, it again pulled my latest tweets. This time, when I fired off a new tweet, it worked.

If you’re having trouble getting Twitterrific to post, this might work for you.

Kudos to IconFactory for the very simple and useful app!

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