February 4, 2007

Blonde joke2

Lor brings home at least one funny story from work every day. Every now and then, though, there’s one that is just over the top. I laughed for a good couple of minutes at this one.

A doc tells a joke to a nurse (who, coincidentally, is blonde) in the operating room before surgery:

A guy walks into an elevator and presses the button for his floor. As the door is closing, a perky blonde dashes in.

Blonde: ‘T-G-I-F!’

Man: ‘What?’

Blonde: ‘T-G-I-F! Thank God It’s Friday!’

Man: ‘S-H-I-T’

Blonde: ‘How rude! You shouldn’t say things like that’

Man: ‘S-H-I-T, Sorry Honey It’s Thursday.’

A few chuckles cascade around the room. The nurse, not laughing, and looking a bit confused, says “Well?” “Well what?” “Well, what day was it?”

True story.

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