March 1, 2007

PL Premium Polyurethane Construction Adhesive

PL Premium Polyurethane Construction Adhesive is really good stuff. PL’s website claims it is “3 times stronger than ordinary adhesives.” I don’t really know what they consider to be “ordinary”, but this stuff has been plenty strong for anything we’ve used it for, even in high heat areas (like our fireplace). Our carpenter friend swears by the stuff, and has given up Liquid Nails altogether.

A single tube seems to go a long way, and is fairly easy to re-open by just pulling or cutting off the dried adhesive at the tip of the spout. It has pretty balanced open time and curing time. It has stayed malleable long enough for us to do what we need to do, but then seems to cure to rock hard within 24 hours. It’s also reasonably priced, and readily available at a Home Depot near you.

One tip on using the stuff, though. It can be darn near impossible to squeeze out, especially when it is cold, or even cool. Don’t kill yourself. Set the tube near (not on, for goodness sake!) a heating duct, heater, radiator, etc. to warm it slightly. Even so, it can still take some work to get the stuff out, so be prepared.

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